2021 Edward J. Pappas Memorial Tournament
{DUDL #2}
Saturday, October 9th
Format Overview:
DUDL #2 will be an online tournament, integrated into the annual Edward J. Pappas Memorial Invitational, hosted by Wayne State University and MIFA via ZOOM.
We will have three divisions: Novice, JV, and Varsity. Novice will be restricted to the novice evidence packet. JV and Varsity will be unrestricted, but feel free to check out our Evidence page for links to Topic Evidence.
4 Preliminary Rounds for ALL teams, followed by an awards ceremony & a FINAL ROUND for the top 2 teams in each division.
7:30am Check-In to ZOOM -- Main Room
7:45am General Meeting
8:00am Round 1 & 2 Pairings Released
8:30am Round 1
10:30am Round 2
12:15pm Lunch Break
1:00pm Round 3 Pairings Released
1:30pm Round 3
3:30pm Round 4 Pairings Released
4:00pm Round 4
6:00pm Awards (Finals Pairings Released)
6:30pm Finals in All Divisions!!!
Announcement - Wave 2 Files:
Novice Restricted Evidence Packet will be updated for DUDL #2
Any Wave 2 Files will be added Monday 9/27 thru Friday 10/1
(this gives you at least 1 week to prepare, with or against, any new arguments in the packet)
Reminder: Evidence Packet can be Found on our Evidence Page
Tabroom Link for Registration:
Zoom Link for Tournament:
Pappas / DUDL #2 Main Zoom Room
Meeting ID: 980 5094 3442
Passcode: policy
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,98050943442#,,,,*078821# US